
HD Tune Pro

   Program      Version      Date         Filename         Filesize   
HD Tune Pro6.0014 April 2024HDTunePro_6.00_trial.exe5.40 MB
HD Tune Pro5.7527 August 2019hdtunepro_575_trial.exe2199 KB

Note: you may get a warning message from Windows SmartScreen because HD Tune Pro 6 is new. To install HD Tune Pro You can click on 'More Info' and 'Run Anyway'

Supported operating systems: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11 (all 64-bit versions).

Hardware requirements: hard disk (internal or external), SSD, USB stick, memory card reader.
Note: due to hardware limitations some drives may not support all functions.

Licensing information: after installation you can try out the program for 14 days. If you want to you use the program after this period you have to purchase a serial number.
The price for a single user license is $34.95 USD or 24.95 EUR   BUY NOW

Differences between HD Tune Pro and HD Tune:

HD Tune ProHD Tune
Low level benchmark
Detailed drive information
Health (S.M.A.R.T)
log file
Error scan
error log
Folder usage
Secure erase (wipe)
File benchmark
Extra tests
Cache test
Disk monitor
Command line parameters
Support for external drives
(health, temperature)
Temperature statistics
S.M.A.R.T self-test
Device statistics
Check health status of multiple drives
PriceUSD 34.95
EUR 24.95
for personal use

HD Tune

   Program      Version      Date         Filename         Filesize   
HD Tune2.5512 February 2008hdtune_255.exe628 KB

Supported operating systems: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7.

Hardware requirements: hard disk (internal or external), SSD, USB stick, memory card reader.
Note: due to hardware limitations some drives may not support all functions.

Licensing information: free for personal use

Drive Power Manager

Drive Power Manager is a utility to change the power management and performance settings of hard disks and CD/DVD/BD drives. It offers detailed settings to save power, reduce noise or increase performance.
Drives can be put in standby immediately by simply pressing a button.
The power management settings are sent directly to the drive and are independant of the operating systems settings.

   Program      Version      Date         Filename         Filesize   
Drive Power Manager1.1012 January 2010DrivePowerManager_setup_110.exe482 KB

Supported operating systems: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7.

Hardware requirements: hard disk (internal or external) or CD/DVD/BD drive.
Note: due to hardware limitations some drives may not support all functions.

Licensing information: after installation you can try out the program for 21 days. If you want to you use the program after this period you have to purchase a serial number.
The price for a single user license is $14.95 USD or 12.95 EUR. For more information please visit the drive Power Manager website at

Easy PhotoResQ

Fast and reliable file recovery for images, photos and videos with real-time previews.

   Program      Version      Date         Filename         Filesize   
Easy PhotoResQ1.0022 June 2012easyphotoresq_trial_setup_100.exe815 KB

Supported operating systems: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7.

Licensing information: A free trial version can be downloaded. With this version you can search your hard drives, memory cards, usb sticks and other devices for files and preview image files.
If you want to recover the files you have to purchase a license.

The price for a single user license is $24.95 USD or 19.95 EUR. For more information please visit the drive Easy PhotoResQ website at
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